You’ve heard about ChatGPT, OpenAI’s large language model trained to generate human-like text. While its developers have taken steps to prevent ChatGPT being used for malice, we’re seeing a new cyberthreat

Artificial intelligence (AI) has reached new heights of intelligence, and while its potential is remarkable, it also poses security concerns. In the realm of cybersecurity, hackers have found a powerful ally in AI, enabling them to gain in-depth knowledge and keep records about your IT environment, products and solutions effortlessly. Once a patch is release for identified vulnerability, the ai hackers can immediately use this to hack into your systems as patches need to be tested in non production systems before implementing them into production. 

Criminals are using AI tools like ChatGPT to sharpen their social engineering attacks, particularly phishing

When the offense gets smarter, your defense needs to keep up. Here are four points to watch out for as hackers push this new frontier: 

  1. A High Degree of Personalization - AI-powered cybercriminals can more easily collect and use data from a company's website and social media accounts to create highly personalized and effective phishing emails. These emails will be supercharged with specific company information. 
  2. Evading Traditional Security - New patterns generated by AI phishing emails may bypass traditional security measures because they are not based on previously seen patterns chronicled in phishing databases. This increases the need for human-based security. 
  3.  More Convincing Deception - AI’s use of natural language processing creates phishing emails that are highly convincing. This can make it difficult for individuals to spot phishing emails, making employee education and awareness training even more critical. 
  4. Part of a Larger Plot - Cyber criminals are known to use AI-powered phishing emails as a first step in a larger cyberattack campaign. Once the user is tricked, the attacker can gain access to sensitive information or install malware. 

As AI technology advances, cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. It's important for individuals and companies to stay vigilant and up-to-date on the latest cybersecurity measures to protect themselves from these new threats. By being aware of the tactics that AI-powered cybercriminals use, such as personalized emails, evading traditional security, convincing deception, and larger plot attacks, we can take the necessary steps to strengthen our defenses against these malicious attacks. It's time to stay informed and stay safe in the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity.


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