BEC Attacks Surge in Healthcare: A Call for Vigilance

BEC Attacks Surge in Healthcare: A Call for Vigilance

In the fast-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, business email compromise (BEC) attacks have emerged as one of the most costly and insidious types of cyberattacks. These attacks target organisations, often tricking employees with financial responsibilities into transferring funds to malicious actors. In 2023, the healthcare industry has seen a staggering 279% increase in BEC attacks, a concerning trend that requires immediate attention. In this blog post, we'll delve into the rise of BEC attacks in the healthcare sector and explore strategies to bolster defenses against this growing threat.

The Growing Threat of Business Email Compromise

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reports that the average cost of a BEC attack is approximately $125,000. What makes these attacks particularly dangerous is their heavy reliance on social engineering tactics, where cybercriminals manipulate individuals into authorizing fraudulent financial transactions. BEC attacks are typically executed through text-only emails, making them appear deceptively legitimate.

Recent data from Abnormal Security highlights a troubling trend within the healthcare industry. On average, healthcare organisations are experiencing around 55 BEC attacks per 1,000 mailboxes. This represents a staggering 167% increase in advanced email attacks compared to previous years. However, what's even more alarming is the significant surge in text-only BEC attacks, with a 279% increase in the number of attacks per 1,000 mailboxes in the current calendar year alone.

Understanding the Threat Landscape

While this may still equate to just one attack per 1,000 mailboxes per day, it's essential to recognize that BEC attacks specifically target individuals who have access to an organisation's financial resources. If even one of these attacks successfully persuades an employee to transfer funds, the organisation becomes another statistic in the FBI's annual report.

BEC attacks are notoriously difficult to detect through traditional security measures, as they often don't involve malware or suspicious attachments. Instead, they manipulate human psychology, exploiting trust and authority to deceive employees. Cybercriminals behind these attacks invest time and effort in crafting convincing messages that appear genuine.

Empowering the Human Element

Given the reliance of BEC attacks on social engineering tactics, the most effective line of defense is the recipient user. Organisations can significantly mitigate the risk of falling victim to BEC attacks by investing in ongoing security awareness training for their employees.

Security awareness training equips employees with the knowledge and skills to recognize the hallmarks of a BEC attack. By educating staff about common tactics used by cybercriminals, organisations can empower their workforce to remain vigilant and make informed decisions when confronted with suspicious emails.

The Role of Security Awareness Training

Comprehensive security awareness training programs are designed to help users understand how to spot the signs of a BEC attack, regardless of how "official" these messages may appear. Such programs teach employees to:

  1. Verify Requests: Employees should always verify requests for fund transfers or sensitive information through a secondary communication channel, such as a phone call, to confirm the legitimacy of the request.
  2. Check Sender Details: Scrutinizing sender email addresses and domain names can reveal inconsistencies or discrepancies that may indicate a fraudulent email.
  3. Examine Message Content: Training should emphasize the importance of carefully reviewing email content, especially requests for financial transactions, to identify red flags.
  4. Report Suspicious Activity: Encouraging a culture of reporting suspicious emails or activities can help organisations swiftly respond to potential threats.
  5. Stay Informed: Regular updates and simulated phishing exercises keep employees informed about emerging threats and help reinforce their ability to recognize and resist BEC attacks.


As the healthcare industry faces a dramatic increase in BEC attacks, it is imperative for organisations to take proactive measures to protect their financial assets and sensitive data. Business email compromise attacks thrive on exploiting human vulnerabilities, making employee training and awareness essential defenses.

By investing in comprehensive security awareness training, healthcare organisations can strengthen their employees' ability to identify and thwart BEC attacks. In doing so, they not only protect their bottom line but also contribute to a more secure digital environment for all stakeholders. In the ongoing battle against cyber threats, knowledge and vigilance are potent weapons that can help organisations stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.


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